Tuesday, May 16, 2006

There's no common thread here...

Oogu has no common thread. No theme. No connective tissue to hold it together. I guess the common thread is "stuff that's going on in jesse's life or just some stuff he's thinking about."

So the idea of a guest blogger becomes all the more weird because now it's just "stuff ry's thinking about or doing until jesse's back here thinking and doing."

Why do I mention this? Because in getting ready to blog today I realized that I steer clear of more topics than I write about. Most are of a political nature and would've been more suited to my old blog, Grassrootsnation.com. It wouldn't be right to guest blog on a "random thoughts" blog and hijack to become a "exposing the lies of the power elites" blog... for a week only...

So that leaves the "other stuff I've been thinking about" topics. Which, are all becoming thematic as well. For example, today's post was going to be about the solar panel system I'm designing to put on my balcony. That made me realize that my posts so far have been about the air-compressor car, the oxygen in a can, and then the solar panels. Am I so one-dimensional? Surely I have interests other than environmental, right?

The answer is yes, but I tend to get excited about stuff and projects in groups. So when I'm reading about the air car I start thinking about environmental impact reductions I could do at home. Before long, I'm learning about utility intertie and sine-wave inverters.

So the point is, I'm excited to put solar panels on my balcony to reduce my on-grid electricity useage and apparently by tomorrow I'll be explaining how to save the rain forest. Hopefully I get excited about another topic before the week is up!


seth f said...

After you explain how to save the rain forest, how's about a discussion on the impact of third world economics on the growth of Asia and China and the environmental risk posed by their expanding industrial complex?

seth f said...

That may be one of the best lines of bullshit I've ever pulled out of my ass!

EmoRiot said...

Thank you, Seth, for your charitable comment donations. ;)