Wednesday, March 28, 2007

reaching millions with my useless opinions

I was on the radio today, specifically NPR. The show Forum was asking people to call in and give their recommendations for good books that they'd read recently. Most of the suggestions were non-fiction and had something to do with either 1.) war, 2.) the ecosystem, or 3.) conspiracy theories. I was getting a little bugged that I wasn't hearing anyone call up and suggest any fiction.

So, I called. I called and suggested a book that I read while we were in Canada. It's called World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie Wars. Ry would hate it. Seth might like it. Everyone else ... ?? Who knows. Anyway, you can check it out here on Amazon. It's good. Despite being, ultimately, about zombies, it's a great look at just how any kind of global pandemic might impact nations, populations, and humanities general outlook on matters ranging from consumption to capitalism to the dissemination of information. Cool book. Not to oversell it, but I kept getting a 1984 vibe from it.

Again, Ry would hate it.

Anyway, check it out if you're so inclined.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I know of the book and it's in my ever-growing and rarely shrinking "to read" list. At my current rate, I'll probably get around to it by the time I'm 68 or so (if my heart, lungs or liver haven't wiped me out before then).

Anonymous said...

You might want to bump it up higher in the que. It's really good.

Anonymous said...

And by que, I mean queue.


I think.

EmoRiot said...


EmoRiot said...

Wow, way to go babelfish... the translation totally works.

Bug said...

I'm too lazy to figure out what that means.

What that means?

EmoRiot said...

It means: "I would hate that book."

Bug said...

Nice. How's Asia?

Very large, China?