Wednesday, September 24, 2008

earth's population is up by one

Well, probably lots more than one. But only one that matters as far as I'm concerned. Yesterday, friends of Amanda and I had their baby, the adorable little baby Lucy, and today Amanda and I got to stop by the hospital for a visit.

As we were walking up to the maternity ward, I had this small voice in my head that just kept saying:

don't break the baby don't break the baby don't break the baby don't break the baby don't break the baby don't break the baby don't break the baby don't break the baby don't break the baby don't break the baby don't break the baby don't break the baby don't break the baby don't break the baby don't break the baby don't break the baby don't break the baby don't break the baby

So, when we got in there and I didn't know how to hold her, that made me nervous. When I handed her to someone and didn't support her neck well enough, that freaked me out. Then when I held her a second time, she threw up. So ... I know it's not my fault. But the joke then quickly became "Great, Jess. You broke her." To which the voice in my head began freaking out a bit.

I remember when I was 13 and was watching my baby sister while no one else was home. I took her out of her playpen and accidentally bonked her head in the process. I was convinced that I had just ruined her somehow that wouldn't be apparent until she was about 18 months older and people started to realized that she couldn't read/walk/spell/whatever.

I have irrational fears.


EmoRiot said...

so... for our sister you worried about bonking her head... but when I was a baby you almost took delight in bonking me. I think you were trying to sabotage my unstoppable jeanyus. ;)

Bug said...

Yeah. And the irony is that you didn't need any help at all when it came to bonking your jeanyus all by yourself.

What was the final chin/head splitting-open count?

EmoRiot said...

I don't remember. Only 1 on the head. 3 or 4 on the chin.