Thursday, January 04, 2007

well, it's a kind of composition ...

I've been writing fiction recently. I seem to write it in spurts. I'll go for a long time uninspired and then .~*WHAM*~. Inspiration blindsides me on the train or something. Anyway, I'm writing a novel right now. Well, technically two, but the first one I've written myself into a corner and don't quite know how to get myself out of it yet. Anyway, the one I'm writing at the moment is significantly darker than the fairytale I'd been writing earlier for Amanda.

So, for the time being, I'm pouring my creativity out into my own version of the great american novel, or novella. Depends on how long I make it. Figures that I get struck with inspiration as soon as I'm not writing music anymore. Guess that creative energy needs to go somewhere constructive. Interesting how that works. I wonder what kind of scientific work has been done on creativity?


EmoRiot said...

On the one you're stuck on...

Have the main-character, wherever they are sit down and go "Wha? What is this?" Then they reach underneath them and pull out a hat (slightly crumpled from being sat on). When they push it back out to its shape they see "Magic Hat" written on it. Then they go "Oh my! A magic hat. I've heard about these." Then start the next chapter. It can be anything.

In fact! You could just start with that new novel you're writing and readers will just assume that the main character used the magic had to completely change the world they were in and different things ended up happening in the chapter interval and POOF - the new magic hat affected story goes from there. Is the character wearing a hat in the new story? That'd be convenient. Plus, if you get stuck in the new story, just have them take off the magic hat and go back to the first world!

Just don't forget to dedicate this new American classic to me on the first page. ;)

Bug said...

Fuckin' a ...

You're a genius. Why aren't you teaching literature at a collegiate level?