Tuesday, May 13, 2008

i can smell the mahalo

Vacation is right around the corner and while I couldn't even think about it when we first booked the tickets because I had 4 games to finish before I could go, now it's all I can think about.

I just sit here all day long with a loop of swanky steel guitar playing in my head. Thankfully, this monstrosity isn't playing in a loop in my head:

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

oh, youtube ...

Is there any limit to the magic you contain?

I followed a random chain of stuff on YouTube this morning and ended up here. I don't know where to begin with this thing. It's just one of those things that had to pass through so many hands that I can't imagine how everyone involved rubber-stamped it with a big OK. It's also one of those things that you can't unsee after you've seen it.

Thursday, May 01, 2008


Once again, we put an offer on a house.

Once again, we lost.

Once again, it's symptomatic of the crappy state of the housing market.

We've been trying to buy a house now for exactly one year. San Mateo is quickly becoming a monument to our housing failures. Amanda and I are really bummed out right now. This sucks.

home again, home again ...

Last night, Amanda and I wrote up an offer on yet another house. This one is, by far, our favorite place that we've seen in the year that we've been trying to buy a house. The offer is submitted today at 2 PM and we should have an answer by 7 PM tonight.

As usual, I'm a ball of nerves right now.